about Holy Companion

A New Episcopal Community

EST. 2023

Holy Companion began as a series of monthly gatherings in parks, living rooms and backyards in and around Sterling Ranch. We now meet biweekly, including a monthly Eucharist (Holy Communion) that centers the experience and leadership of children and youth, and a contemplative Evening Prayer gathering.

Our name speaks to the post-resurrection journey Jesus takes with two companions in Luke 24:13-35 on the road to a town called Emmaus. It's a journey marked by questions spoken, disappointments articulated, hopes expressed, and faith renewed. In the middle is a meal, with a recognition of God's presence that was there all along. And it ends as it started, with another journey. 

Holy Companion describes a way of seeing the Divine – God as companion to us throughout our lives, including in moments when we don't perceive or feel God's presence. It is also a way of seeing one another – we companion one another through this journey called life, walking with some people for a season and some for a lifetime. It conveys that faith is a journey, not a destination. The road is wide and long, and there is room to roam, with doubts, hopes, fears, joys, griefs, and celebrations.

Always, we are accompanied.

Holy Companion is a new Episcopal community connected to the Episcopal Church of Colorado, under the authority of the Bishop, The Right Reverend Kym Lucas.

We welcome any and all support for this transformative project! You can give with the support button below or use your mobile device and text “GIVECO holycompanion” to 73256.


The Rev. Lauren Grubaugh Thomas (she/her) is the church planting priest of Holy Companion Episcopal Church. She lives in Sterling Ranch, a new development south of Littleton, with her spouse and their two-year-old twin girls. Gathering people around a meal and sacred story is her greatest joy. 

In addition to her ministry with Holy Companion, Lauren is a writer and podcast host on A Soulful Revolution, a founding member of Palestinian Anglicans and Clergy Allies, and is on the Steering Committee of the Clergy Emergency League

She is also a passionate salsera who is always down for a dance party! 

our values

play & celebration

(child-centric, we’ll take any excuse for a party, and we always have food)

inclusivity & accessibility

(multicultural, antiracist, queer-celebratory, disability and neurodivergence-embracing)


(practicing sacred pauses to show up as fully and freely ourselves)

solidarity for justice

(walking with our BIPOC neighbors, seeking equity and justice in our suburban context)

follow our journey on Instagram @holycompanion